What This Election is ALL About…? What will emerge…?

by J. Gary DiLaura

This election is the BIGGEST, most important, Presidential election since the creation of our Constitutional Republic!! If you don’t believe me…believe what the Democraps have done to try and negate Trump and interfere in this election! What they did is violate every rule, every law, every illegal way to disrupt an election that is protected by laws to prevent what the scoundrels accomplished. That’s just a taste of what to expect should Hussein Obama make this a Socialist, Islamic Nation…that’s his goal…!!!

Former FBI Director Comey illegally signed, thereby approving, FISA eavesdropping wiretaps on President Trump’s Tower and his Republican Committee! I have filed for Title 3 wiretaps several times. I know the laws. I know the rules that MUST be followed…ALL exculpatory evidence MUST be disclosed to the court or your complaint and application for the search warrant (that’s what it is) will be DENIED and you would be in violation of several felonies as you must swear to what you did…that your affidavit is to your best ability… the truth. Didn’t Hillary know the Dossier was phony? She paid for it. She was vested in the creation of it! Did she forget she was President Trump’s adversary? I mean, I realize she has the IQ of carp, but really?

A Title 3 or FISA Search Warrant for a wiretap is the MOST invasive warrant the law allows…so if… in step #1… you leave something out, like Hillary solicited and paid for the Steele Dossier and then somehow had Fusion GPS, the writer of said Dossier, get the FBI to use it as THE PC (Probable Cause) for the warrant. Unbelievable…but true!

They did that in the very first application, all that follows is FRUIT OF THE POISONOUS TREE and invalid. Yet, the AG allowed either by ignorance, stupidity, lack of interest or direct action to affect the election, with criminal intent…it doesn’t matter. That very first search warrant to Carter Page is the first poison tree. Even the choice of Court, FISA instead of District Court was, in my opinion, WRONG, illegal. The FISA Court was created to PROTECT U.S. Citizens from doing exactly what the Democraps did to President Trump and all those other, innocent citizens!

They did not have the PC to go to a Federal District Judge. No court that I filed affidavits for a search warrant would sign if they knew Hillary Clinton paid for the Steele Dossier! The FBI then used that dossier that the FBI Director Comey said “himself” in Jan 2016

(before Jan 20, 2016) that the Dossier was “salacious and unverified”! Yet…he signed it…a Felony. Why didn’t the AG indict Comey or ANY signors of that garbage??

That is nothing compared to what will happen if Harris, Hussein’s new Puppet, “wins” and thinks she will run the country!

Your Constitutional Republic will not exist anymore…no Bill of Rights guaranteeing the “unalienable right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” …gone. The Constitution …gone, no freedom of speech, no second Amendment to protect the first. No 4th guaranteeing no illegal searches…that’s gone already. NONE of those searches by this so-called FBI led by the inept McCabe, Strzok, Page and others who also violated the 14th for Due Process for all. That’s already gone…ask any imprisoned Jan 6, 2020 prisoner what he/she did to lead to imprisonment. Don’t be surprised if they don’t know and only were visiting the buildings.

Who do you want…President Trump or a Socialist, Muslim, Nation, ruled by Hussein Obama…or …a takeover by China/Russia, either or both, but I can assure you …Harris will NOT run this country…she can’t. She is much too stupid! That’s why Putin wants to deal with her…ask him! Harris will not be President even if she is elected…God Forbid!

This election needs to be overwhelmed with Republican votes and ALL venues watched continuously! No temporary “go home” for a few hours for any reason…bring cots and food …you Republicans need to show your fortitude and not fall for leaving because of a “water main break”! Those ballots are “Evidence”, and you are the keeper of the evidence and must protect, preserve and defend that evidence and maintain the “Chain of Custody” on those ballots!

Even though I have said what I am about to say, … again…and again, is because it MUST get through to you…you are in a coup…a coup to completely take-over! It’s in progress! You recently saw how EASY it was to just replace Joe Obiden …he thought Hussein was

his BUD…instead he’s his dud! As easy as it was to change the computer votes in 2020…it was easier to remove him! YOU CANNOT REMOVE A SITTING PRESIDENT…DUH! There are rules and laws and regulations! Not anymore. You idiots who voted for Obiden got what you deserved, a skyrocket cost of living, no baby food…what? You got $5, $7, $8 gas…how was that. It’s all the way down to $4…

When Trump was President, it went down to $1.87 per gallon!

Even one as corrupt as Joe, whose election was fixed in my opinion and millions of others…the computers were tampered with as we all saw on FOX…TWICE. In 2016 they didn’t cheat enough so they got even in 2020.

You must understand how serious I am and what we are up against. You have seen how Hussein manipulated this with the kind of money Soros provided. For example, +/- 200 radical Democraps to very high positions in law enforcement (District Attorneys, Judges, Mayors…and many more). You are seeing and saw what a crazy, inept, judge can do… can eliminate due process in several different jurisdictions, without a jury…not allowing legal defense evidence without a hearing! Due process requires that evidence that favors the defense, exculpatory evidence, must be presented in a hearing …not allowed for Trump. He was accused of rape…but not allowed to present exculpatory evidence. The “victim” was allowed to go forward against a former President without remembering where, when, how, even if it really happened…all lies. But they were allowed. Those trials are a preview of what’s coming. Trump and many others were deprived of due process and are spending millions to protect us, you and me…not just themselves!

I was an FBI Agent for three decades, and owner of this paper. What is happening is Hussein is a fraud …a fraud from the “get-go”. He is NOT a Christian…he is a Muslim. Anybody who doesn’t understand what that means probably thinks, “So what if the guy is a Muslim…it’s his religion…so what?”

If I told you that our First Amendment to our Constitution DEMANDS the separation of Church and State”, would you believe me? Well, here it is, “Congress shall make no law: Respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

There’s much more but the most important thing is this …Islam DOES NOT. Islam is not a religion; it is a way of “life” …it is an ideology. Muslim literally means “submit”! It’s Socialism to the extreme.

If you read the Quran …as I have…first, even in the English interpretations, it is very difficult to follow because…it was NOT written by Mohammed nor any one author! Not one word was written by “Mohammed” …Mohammed was illiterate! He could not read nor write his own language! His followers did it from his words, writings from other followers … (many different followers) and his actions. The fact is that Islam is comprised of three parts…the written words of others, the Hadith (the actions) and Mohammed’s spoken words! That is how I see it.

Some believe the beheading of infidels, disbelievers…that’s you and me, by the way… is allowed because when Muslims, led by Mohammed, sacked Medina and gathered the Jews who refused to accept…SUBMIT, to his teachings…at their coliseum, and in front of his 11-year-old wife, Mohammed and his wife watched the beheading of 800 Jews!!!

The Quran specifically and repeatedly calls for the beheading of disbelievers, “Kill pagan Jews at every opportunity” …, “they are pigs”. In the name of Islam, they killed many women when ISIS attacked Iraq for being seen in public without a head cover. I saw that myself, and it was for real! Look at the Americans they have slaughtered…innocent people. How many times have you heard the Imam tell you he wants you dead…do you not believe that?

If you vote for any Democrap you will be sorry. Harris, whether she wins or not…will NOT…be allowed to run America. Do you really believe Hussein would help a moron he cannot control… unlike Obiden? Every single stupid thing Joe did from open borders, stop drilling for gas, stop drilling for oil, screw up our supply were direct orders from Hussein. If Harris were to win and refuse to take orders from Obama, she won’t be around long…just like he removed Obiden…he will find a way. Soros’s money can buy more than Harris could beg, borrow or STEAL, my opinion!

You don’t think Hussein had anything to do with the death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia, do you… he was very much a believer in our Constitutional Republic?

For the sake of your children and your own lives and for Christ’s sake…do not vote for a Muslim, Islamic American. You have no idea how evil they are…I have seen what they are capable of doing!

When an Iranian leader states he is going to kill you, me, every American …believe him…it’s true!