by J. Gary DiLaura, FBI RET,
At age 21 Hussein Obama took his wife’s advice and announced that even though he was born Muslim, raised Muslim for 21 years, believes there nothing more beautiful than the Islam call to prayer and his Book of Faith denounces those who become “unbelievers (infidels)”and threaten them with death...he is now a Christian!
The advice she gave him was that if he wants to run for office, he will have to become Christian. No problem, he just flipped a switch and became a true, devoted, Christian. Now here’s a little “tidbit” non-Muslims, infidels, know nothing about unless they have read the very difficult book to understand, the Koran. Islam, according to the Koran, allows lying about anything that is necessary to further the teachings of Islam and Mohamed. According to Islamic law, all male children born to a Muslim male are, by law, born choice...and that is why to become a traitor to Islam one must denounce Islam, Allah in front of a Muslim gathering and face the threat of death for committing the most despicable act a Muslim can commit... denouncing Islam to become Christian, leaving Islam...that’s mandatory death!
Again, now, if it’s done to further’s allowed! Why do you think those “liars”, my opinion, Tlaib, Omar and the other Muslim Congresswomen, took their “Oaths of Office” on the Koran...they feared death if they swore allegiance to the Constitution or any other potentate. That’s correct, they all lied and never swore allegiance to the good old USA. If I’m wrong, tell them they MUST take their Oaths over and swear allegiance to America, on the Bible and denounce allegiance to Islam and all other potentates (read the US Citizens Oath) to become an American Citizen! You must understand that there is a fatal flaw with any Muslim swearing allegiance to America and Islam.
America’s foundation is based upon the separation of Church and State and Islam IS NOT! So how can one swear to two completely opposed beliefs... separation of Church and State and unification of Church and State? It’s easy...lie!
I present the above to try to help you understand why we must NOT allow a Muslim, Hussein Obama, to continue to run this country...any longer...and in my opinion...oh yes, he is!
What possible good for America can come out of what they did when Obiden came into office and reversed all that President Trump did, in two years...what good...?
Would you open all the doors of your home and allow anybody in without finding out who they are? Would you encourage them by offering free food, free expensive lodging, money, healthcare, education, flights to anywhere they want, an easy way to become a dependent member of your family?!
Well folks, isn’t that exactly what Obiden/Obama have been doing since Obiden became the faux President that Hussein said he wanted? No one in their right mind would do to America what those two scoundrels have done and continue to do. The evidence that they are going to “try” to overthrow our government is overwhelming, just look at the facts. Obama’s favorite Professors at Columbia wrote a book on how to destroy our free enterprise, Constitutional Republic and they are following it to a “T”.
They wrote to bankrupt America, spend every dime on anything you can think of no matter how wasteful it seems. Bankrupt all the Social Welfare programs by allowing everybody to jump in! Spend like a drunken sailor. cause chaos, insurrection at every chance there is. Create so much turmoil and problems that Martial Law must be declared, and the Government comes to the rescue...cut off essential supplies like medicine, food, electricity, communications... fossil fuels!
Now do you understand what’s going on...what’s coming... if YOU do not ... FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO DO!?
YOU MUST take back Law Enforcement. Take it away from every single George Soros backed, elected official...all the mayors and all the Soros, Attorney Generals and District Attorneys and Judges. They are all unwittingly a part of the scheme ...except... as dumb as most are...they must see by now they are puppets being used, just like poor Joe, my opinion... did I say “poor”, sorry, I meant “wealthy”!
Most important, urge your elected Representatives and Senators to stop the wasteful spending, secure the borders, enforce all the INS and entry laws that are being totally discarded by Obiden. AND NUMBER ONE...Use trained Republican and Democrat auditors on election day 2024 to obey the chain of custody of the paper votes cast and control of any voting machines used to complete real and secure audits comparing the number of paper ballots to the number of votes the computers report! If there is a discrepancy, seal the voting machines and ballots as they are evidence of a possible crime! Call the FBI, State police, any sworn law enforcement Agency to assist in the chain of custody of the evidence.
Congress can provide the funding from the dump trucks full of money going to illegal aliens!